A Quick Update for May 2024

Dear valued members of our community,
We are pleased to acknowledge the one-year anniversary of our site's relaunch. Your support and feedback have been invaluable in shaping our designs and improving our offerings. We are excited to share some upcoming projects that will further enhance your experience on our platform.
Our primary focus remains on providing practical and reproducible designs that can be fabricated in a variety of settings, including home workshops and underground lairs (we won't judge 😊). To further enhance your experience, we will be undertaking custom builds for each tier. All paid subscribers will be entered into a raffle, and we will ship the build to you at no additional cost. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting opportunity.
Additionally, our HAM and prepper communities may appreciate some of our radio-based offerings. We are also preparing one last Recovery Kit for 2024. These kits are designed to provide essential tools and resources for emergency situations.
To access our design files, we recommend subscribing to our site. We do not sell or share your information, and we keep our platform simple and easy to use. Your support is crucial in enabling us to continue providing high-quality content and giveaways. Thank you for your continued patronage.
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